
From member suggestions for new and refreshed compendiums, PRCI added eleven compendiums to its library in 2023. These publications feature the broad range of PRCI’s research, from a selection of an individual Technical Committee reports to industry focused topics.
PR-000-23COMP-R11 Pipeline River Crossing Management
A list of PRCI and other reports related to the design and operation of pipelines as they cross rivers. This work does not include content on horizontal directional drills which is the subject of its own compendium.
PR-000-23COMP-R10 Pipeline Running Fracture
A list of reports from PRCI and others on designing pipeline systems to minimize the potential for running ductile fracture.
PR-000-23COMP-R08 Pipe in Casings Comprehensive Compendium
PRCI has carried out several research projects related to design, procedures, processes, and methods related to installing and operating pipe installed inside casings. Since not all studies sponsored by other industry groups (e.g., API, EPRG, APIA, etc.) or by individual pipelines companies are not included, this report does not represent a review of the topic in the broader industry-wide sense. Instead, it is designed to provide a guide to past work so that facility operators and researchers to help identify and locate research reports on the topic.
PR-000-23COMP-R09 Disbonded, Damaged, and Failed Coating
This compendium is a selection of past PRCI research related to corrosion and temperature. Metadata is provided for each resource (when available) including the length of the report, its abstract, author(s), and company that performed the research.
PR-000-23COMP-R06 Temperature Impact on Corrosion
This compendium is a selection of past PRCI research related to corrosion and temperature. Metadata is provided for each resource (when available) including the length of the report, its abstract, author(s), and company that performed the research.
PR-000-23COMP-R02 Unattended Facility Operation
This compendium is a selection of past PRCI research that facilitates the operation of facilities in unattended modes. Reports were selected based on their final report abstracts and does not include further analysis or an additional technical review of the final report. Metadata is provided for each resource (when available) including the length of the report, its abstract, author(s), and company that performed the research.
PR-000-23COMP-R07 Ethanol - Biodiesel Transportation and Storage
This compendium is a selection of past PRCI research related to biofuels. Metadata is provided for each resource (when available) including the length of the report, its abstract, author(s), and company that performed the research.
PR-000-23COMP-R03 Pipeline Risk Management
The PRCI Technical Committees have carried out many research projects related to identifying and managing pipeline safety risks. Since not all studies sponsored by other industry groups (e.g., API, EPRG, APIA, etc.) or by individual pipeline companies are not included, this report does not represent a review of the topic in the broader industry-wide sense. Instead, it is designed to provide a guide to past work so that current PRCI members and its research contractors can identify and locate project reports that might be of use in understanding pipeline risk management.