The Virtual Technology Development Center (VTDC) is a virtual center for industry members to develop technology-based solutions for operating problems in the energy pipeline industry through data collected and shared information/learnings. The safety and integrity of the global energy pipeline system relies upon detailed analysis of relevant data leading to informed decision making. Shared learning significantly improves the ability to perform this critical analysis.

Launched in 2022, the first stage of the platform hosts databases allowing users to utilize anonymized data and information from multiple projects that have been standardized across projects and sources. The inaugural databases were Pipe Material Properties Database and Ultrasonic Test Results Database, with the Database of All Burst Tests for Corrosion, Cracking, Dent, and Interacting Defects published in 2023.

Throughout 2023, the next phase of VTDC progressed. A literature review of USM OEM Diagnostics and Evaluate Certain Abnormal Flow Conditions [MEAS-6-26] is currently adding additional reports and will be adding operator supplies data to the VTDC Ultrasonic Meter Test Results Database for 2024. Pipeline Material Property Database Enhancement [NDE-4-17A - SRP CM] has collected additional data that is in the process of being added to the VTDC Pipe Materials Properties Database to be completed in Q1 2024. Understanding Why Crack Fail - Results Sharing [MAT-8-3C - SRP CM] is planning to add the operating data collected by this project to the VTDC in 2024. Additionally, test data was added to the VTDC Ultrasonic Meter Test Results Database from Effect of Upstream Piping on Ultrasonic Meter Bias - End Treatment Effects [MEAS-6-5C].

The VTDC leverages collaboration to create opportunities to have greater impact in the pipeline industry by using data and information not previously consolidated in one convenient location.