This strategic research priority focuses on the prevention of failures due to crack-like defects by making improvements in the integrity management life cycle of susceptibility, Inspection, Assessment and Remediation, and Management for the threat.

outcomes and value to industry

  • Close identified gaps in performance demonstration for crack ILI and NDE

    Close identified gaps in material properties performance data

    Providing the next generation of susceptibility models by cracking threat/morphology

    Broadly communicating outcomes to advance crack management within industry fabric

    Further operationalizing the TDC and VTDC for crack management

industry improvement


  • Susceptibility assessments by cracking threat/ morphology lead to selection of the appropriate integrity assessment method.


  • Known strengths and limitations of the inspection technique(s) provide confidence in assessment and remediation programs, ultimately improving threat management.


  • Effective and efficient response to inspections including improved remaining strength equation variables, dig criteria, repair criteria, and reassessment intervals.


  • Management of known crack-related threats to reduce failure rates and minimize likelihood of releases before reassessment.


1.     Close identified gaps in performance demonstration for crack ILI, and NDE

Key Successes to Support Key Outcomes

Established a set of test samples to perform crack inspections in at the TDC
Established a pathway for NDE technicians and ILI service providers to communicate key variables of the feature
Established a pathway for NDE technician improvement

Projects to support Key Outcomes

NDE-4-12 - Continuous Improvement of ILI Capabilities
NDE-2-14 - NDE Technician Improvement Training Course for LSW Testing
NDE-4-25 - Fast and Accurate Feedback from Site to ILI Vendor
NDE-4-27 - Protocol for PRCI Pipe Sample Evaluation and Documentation
NDE-4-26 - In-Line Inspection Performance on Tight Cracks
NDE-4-28 - Protocol for Testing New Technologies at the TDC

2.     Close identified gaps in material properties performance data

Key Success to Support Key Outcomes

Developed a material property database within the Virtual Technology Development Center

Project to support Key Outcomes

NDE-4-17A - Pipeline Material Property Database Enhancement

3.     Providing the next generation of susceptibility models by cracking threat/morphology

Key Successes to Support Key Outcomes

Developed a susceptibility model for fatigue
Developed a susceptibility model for stress corrosion cracking
Developed a susceptibility model for selective seam weld corrosion

Projects to support Key Outcomes

EC-2-12 - Evaluation of Selective Seam Weld Corrosion Susceptibility
NDE-4-22 - Guidelines for When to Perform a Crack Detection ILI Survey
NDE-4-24 - Circumferential Crack Management Risk Evaluation Framework
MAT-7-2 - Hard Spot Susceptibility Review
EC-08-13 - Influence of External Hydrogen on Crack Growth

4.     Broadly communicating outcomes to advance crack management within industry fabric

Key Successes to Support Key Outcomes

Results from NDE-4-22 will be in the next edition of API RP 1176
Results from EC-2-12 will be in the next edition of API RP 1160

Projects to support Key Outcomes

NDE-4-20 - Considerations for Crack ILI Response in Liquids Pipelines
NDE-4-22 - Guidelines for When to Perform a Crack Detection ILI Survey

5.     Further operationalizing the TDC and VTDC for crack management

Key Successes to Support Key Outcomes

Significant utilization of the TDC for SRP projects
Established material property database in the VTDC
Established crack failure database in the VTDC

Projects to support Key Outcomes

NDE-4-12 - Continuous Improvement of ILI Capabilities
NDE-4-17A - Pipeline Material Property Database Enhancement
MAT-8-3C - Understanding Why Crack Fail - Results Sharing
NDE-2-14 - NDE Technician Improvement Training Course for LSW Testing
NDE-4-27 - Protocol for PRCI Pipe Sample Evaluation and Documentation
NDE-4-26 - In-Line Inspection Performance on Tight Cracks
NDE-4-28 - Protocol for Testing New Technologies at the TDC


Sean Keane, Enbridge Pipelines Inc. and Enbridge Energy Partners LP

Taylor Shie, Shell Global

Improvement to Susceptibility Models – When we started the SRP, we had the assumption that the major area for improvement was related to inspection.  With the MAT-8-3 “Why Cracks Fail” project, we realized that not knowing a crack inspection survey was required (i.e. susceptibility) was the biggest gap. The SRP has developed projects to develop improved susceptibility models for fatigue, selective seam weld corrosion, and stress corrosion cracking.  These models will aid operators in having efficient and effective crack management programs.

Sharing of Results of the SRP – The overarching goal of the SRP is for crack management to be efficient and effective for all operators.  Not every operator has the opportunity to be a PRCI member.  In an industry where one operators failure reflects on all operators, we established protocols for sharing  project results with the industry.  The next editions of API RP 1160 and API RP 1176 will have significant updates as a result of SRP projects.  The key areas being in the susceptibility models referenced previously.

Relationship of ILI and NDE – In-line inspection (ILI) and Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) work hand in hand to improve integrity management programs.  ILI identifies the location to examine while NDE examines the defect.  The key element of this relationship is the feedback look from NDE to ILI.  A series of projects have been performed to make sure that ILI and NDE service providers are on the same page and speaking the same language whenever possible.


In the fall of 2023 both the research steering committee and the Executive Assembly approved the continuation of the Crack Management SRP for two more years (2024 and 2025).  A budget of $1.3MM and $1.1MM has been approved for 2024 and 2025 respectively. The Crack Management Strategic Research Priority has a proven track record of being good stewards of PRCI resources.  This additional scope of work will make a final work package that improves all member company integrity management programs.

At the time of this writing the scope for the next phase is still being confirmed.  It is anticipated that the next two years will include projects to:

Develop a Database of Crack-Like Defects Created by Pipe Manufacturer
Develop a methodology to match ILI tool to expected crack morphology
Advance circumferential crack detection in gas service
Determination of when do SSWC features behave as cracks
Determination of when to utilize crack profiles in defect assessment
Determination of when do lack of fusion defects start to behave as sharp cracks
Develop a MAT-8 software for circumferential defects
Advance the utilization of machine learning for integrity management
Additional scope for:

EC-8-13 - Influence of External Hydrogen on Crack Growth
NDE-4-12 - Continuous Improvement of ILI Capabilities