Translating research from scientific methods and laboratory results into practical applications has been a key focus at PRCI in recent years. Publicly available webinars provide the industry with the opportunity to learn firsthand from the research partners and project teams who executed the research on how an operator can benefit from using the research and how best to implement it.

Produced 40 final reports from across the PRCI research portfolio, including 2 from the Emerging Fuels Institute
Validation of Digital Twins for Monitoring, Optimization, and Compliance of CP Systems
Improvements in Compressor and Pump Station Facility Efficiency
Remaining Life Model and Assessment Tool for Dents and Gouges
Modernize the Assessment of Pipeline Water Crossings
Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors and Wireless Sensors for Pipeline Monitoring and Field Demonstration
DOE NETL & PRCI WEBINAR: Raman Gas Analyzer for Hydrogen Blends
State of the Art Review, Transportation of CO2 Gap Analysis and Roadmap
Effect of Upstream Piping on Ultrasonic Meter Bias - End Treatment Effects
API 1163 Performance Validation Guidelines
PR-746-22204-R01 Review of Technologies to Enable In-situ Valve Service to Reduce Methane Emissions
PR-746-22602-R01 In-situ, Cost-Effective Detection and Quantification of Emission from Vents
PR-700-22202-R01 Potential Approaches to Remote Monitoring of Facility Efficiency and GHG Emissions
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