The Underground Storage Technical Committee is focused on developing and deploying technologies to ensure the safety, integrity, reliability, and productivity of new and existing storage facilities, including both reservoir and cavern storage. 

Chair: Anders Johnson, Kinder Morgan

Vice Chair(s): Andrew Lloyd, Enterprise Products
Dan Neville, Southern California Gas Company
Delphine Patriarche, Storengy
Stephanie Sexton, ExxonMobil Pipeline Company

The UGS TC focused on development in 2023.  While no final reports or webinars were completed, three successful projects were on-going: 

US-2-03 Brine String Dynamics 

US-4-04 Advancement of Through-Tubing Casing Inspection for UGS Wells (PHMSA) 

US-4-05 UGS Failures and Near Miss Trending (started in 2023) 

All three of these projects are scheduled to be completed next year. We also intend to add idea 3713 “Deep Cavern Abandonment” to the list of projects for 2024.

The UGS members actively assisted teams for Storage related Emerging Fuels Institute (EFI) projects

JEFI-05-01 DNV JIP - Guidelines for Material Selection for Underground Hydrogen Storage

JEFI-05-03 SHASTA – DOE-funded study of Hydrogen affects on various aspects of Underground Storage

JEFI-05-03 Incorporating Fiber Optics into Wellbore Design and Monitoring


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