Enhancing Stakeholder Engagement
PRCI deepened its commitment to enhancing stakeholder engagement by highlighting the essential role of collaboration in the advancement of pipeline safety and integrity.
• One landmark initiative was our partnership with the American Petroleum Institute (API) to host their first-ever API Technology Summit at the PRCI Technology Development Center (TDC). This event showcased crucial technological advancements that support the energy pipeline industry, and marked a significant step towards it becoming an annual highlight to emphasize the technologies underpinning our industry's safety and integrity.
• PRCI’s contributions to the INGAA Climate report underscored our dedication to environmental stewardship and demonstrates our proactive efforts to mitigate the energy pipeline infrastructure's impact on the environment.
• Coinciding with the Research Exchange Meeting (REX), one noteworthy event was Government Day at the TDC. Gathering together members of Congress, their staff, and Deputy Administrator at the Pipeline Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) Tristian Brown offered a unique platform to showcase PRCI's advancements and discuss support for the industry.
• Participation in PRCI’s Congressional Testimony before the US House Science, Space, and Technology Committee highlighted our proactive engagement in shaping policy and regulatory frameworks to enhance pipeline safety and sustainability.
Pivotal in fostering meaningful dialogue and collaboration, these initiatives strengthened our relationships with key stakeholders, ensuring that our collective efforts align with the industry's evolving needs and contribute to the overarching goal of enhancing pipeline safety and integrity globally.
Expanding Stakeholder Outreach
In 2023, PRCI intensified its efforts to broaden our impact within the pipeline community.
• Underscoring the relevance of our research, the 2023 Research Exchange Meeting (REX) attracted nearly 500 attendees, including representatives from several North American government agencies.
• In collaboration with leading industry organizations, the first-ever Emerging Fuels Symposium (EFS) and the European Research Forum (ERF) highlighted global research on safely transporting and storing next-generation fuels and enhancing pipeline safety.
• The creation of the Government Engagement Committee (GEC) and the Emeritus Program further enables focused engagement and research development.
• The launch of PRCI Connect was a significant step in facilitating continuous conversations that advance our research program and provide solutions to the industry.
By expanding our communication channels, leveraging social media, and enhancing our online presence, we were able to disseminate valuable insights, research findings, and best practices to a wider audience.
Enhancing Operational Excellence
PRCI has remained steadfast in our dedication to enhancing operational excellence across all facets of our organization. Recognizing the importance of optimizing resources and investing in talent development, PRCI took significant steps in 2023 to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our operations. This commitment to operational excellence not only ensures that we deliver greater value to our members and stakeholders but also strengthens our foundation for future growth and innovation.
• One key aspect of our operational improvements in 2023 was the emphasis on a cornerstone of our mission, knowledge transfer, to drive innovation and share best practices within the pipeline industry. The initial development from this focus is a comprehensive course for the Pipeline Repair Manual, which aims to standardize and disseminate best practices for pipeline repair to enhance the industry's ability to maintain safe and efficient operations.
• We were thrilled to announce the addition of Shahani Kariyawasam as the Executive Director of Knowledge Transfer. Her wealth of experience, expertise, and leadership is instrumental to advancing our knowledge transfer initiatives.
Strategic additions to our team and focus on operational excellence enable PRCI to continue delivering on our promise of advancing the pipeline industry through research, collaboration, and knowledge sharing. We are poised to tackle the challenges ahead with renewed vigor and determination, driven by our mission to enhance the safety, efficiency, and sustainability of global energy pipeline systems.
Looking Ahead
One highlight of upcoming PRCI activities includes collaborating with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) in 2023 to co-host the 2024 International Pipeline Conference (IPC), and again in 2026 and 2028. This collaboration represents a significant opportunity to showcase our research to the wider pipeline community and further establish PRCI as the leading resource for cutting-edge research and innovation. Through events like these, we foster greater engagement, share knowledge, and facilitate discussions that advance the industry's collective goals.
As we move into 2024 and beyond, PRCI remains steadfast in its commitment to driving innovation, collaboration, and excellence in the pipeline industry. We will embark on exciting new partnerships and initiatives that promise to broaden our impact and reinforce our role as a leader in pipeline research. We will remain focused on a range of priorities, from maintaining current pipeline assets at the highest standards, to providing the necessary technical resources for the safe transportation and storage of next-generation energy, to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from pipeline systems. Embracing the challenges ahead as opportunities to innovate and excel, our efforts build a safer, more sustainable future for energy pipelines worldwide.
On behalf of the Executive Board and PRCI staff, I extend our sincere gratitude to our members, partners, and stakeholders for their unwavering support and dedication. Together, we are not only responding to the industry's immediate needs but also shaping its future through proactive leadership and collaboration.
PRCI concentrated efforts in 2023 on enhancing stakeholder engagement, outreach, influence, and operational excellence. Guided by our mission and vision, PRCI pursued innovative research, fostered collaboration, and shared knowledge to enhance the safety, efficiency, and environmental sustainability of energy transportation and storage. Our strategic goals shaped initiatives throughout the year to better enable us to meet the needs of members and the broader pipeline community.
Reflecting on the accomplishments and milestones of 2023, this past year stands as a testament to our collective commitment to advancing the global pipeline industry.